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Patent Office "IP-ASSIST" is a specialized company whose main activity is the design, filing, record keeping and receipt of security documents - patents and certificates

in the Republic of Kazakhstan and international registrations.

Entrusting us with work, you get:

Experience and continuous training;

Attentive approach and flexible prices;

Developed network of resources for solving non-standard and complex tasks;



  • The head of IP Assist-  Omarbekova Zhanna Yermekovna, patent attorney No. 91.

Omarbekova Zhanna has more than 18 years of work experience in the Patent Office of Kazakhstan, ranging from an expert to the head of the analytical research department for trademarks and industrial designs.


She has extensive experience working in government agencies that register and protect intellectual property.

She takes part in courts and before court hearings on issues of intellectual property rights violation.



  • Fedurin Vladimir Petrovich - IP Expert

He worked in the system of invention, protection and use of intellectual property objects of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1984 to 2017.

From 1984 to 1992 he worked in the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Center for Patent Services (VCPU) as a senior expert, head of a group of experts, head of a sector.

In 1992, he was invited to work in the newly organized National Patent Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in whose structures he worked as a senior expert, head of department, deputy director, chief expert.

He took part in working groups on the preparation of legislative acts in the field of intellectual property governing the creation, protection and use of intellectual property objects.

Since the establishment of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO, Moscow, 1995), he took an active part in the work and formation of the working bodies of both the EAPO itself and its executive body - the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), including the development of regulatory documents for of the above organizations.

Awarded the Gold Medal to them. V.I. Blinnikov (the first President of the Eurasian Office) "For his contribution to the development of the patent business in the Eurasian region."

  • Specialist – Turgambayeva Saniya Elemesovna ​


2005 - 2008 - Specialist of the office of the Almaty branch of the Republican State Enterprise "National Institute of Intellectual Property" 

2008 - 2009 - Senior specialist of the office of the Almaty branch of the Republican State Enterprise "National Institute of Intellectual Property" 

2009 – 2013 head of the office of NIIP in Almaty


2013 – 2021 - Chief Expert of the Department for Trademarks and Industrial Designs of the Almaty branch of the RSE "National Institute of Intellectual Property" of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Specialist - Nazarov Bekzat Ospanovich


Has more than 10 years of experience in the patent office of Kazakhstan, worked as a translator, lawyer and chief specialist of the Training Center.


Graduated from WIPO courses

1. DL-101 Intellectual Property Fundamentals (2017)

2. DL101PCT Introduction to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (2017)

3. DL-201 Copyright and Related Rights (2017)

4. DL-302 Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (2018)

5.DL-450 Intellectual Property Management (2020)



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